Salon du Chocolat 2016
28 October – 1 November
Porte de Versailles, Paris
The Salon du Chocolat will be celebrating its 22nd edition, confirming itself as the event that longer has created and followed the strong evolution of the cocoa market and chocolate in the world. 194 editions in 21 years (with an average of 15 for year), with 32 destinations in 4 continents, for a total of 8.2 million visitors. Our Italian magazine “Pasticceria Internazionale” always supports all initiatives of the Salon, as media partners, and we cooperate with the creator and true soul of the event, Sylvie Douce, who is a very determined woman and really chocolate lover.
Every year, the Salon du Chocolat is frequented by professionals and producer countries of cocoa presenting novelties, enshrining exchanges between them, as well as the general public, greedy to find out goodies and trends. The theme of Salon in Paris will be “Au coeur du chocolat bat l’âme du cocoa”, in the chocolate heart beats a cocoa. While the famous chocolate fashion fashion show, relaunched by media worldwide, will be entitled “Back to the future”.
What’s new? The creation of a Salon du Chocolat Junior, very playful and didactic space with animations for 15,000 young people that visit the event every year. And then a charity event organized during the Opening Night for the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, a dedicated area to Japan with tasting masterclass (yuzu, green tea …) and chocolate, as well as a Pain et Chocolat space with competitions.