The origin of the delicious collaboration
For three years, La Maison du Chocolat has hosted well-known international pastry chefs for the “Chef in residence” initiative. From the meeting with Christophe Michalak, Kidnappe is born.
Inspired by the childhood memory of Sachertorte, iconic in the spirit of the Hotel Sacher in Vienna, the Parisian pastry chef, great admirer of chocolate and praline of Robert Linxe (the Maison’s founder), has created a gourmet snack cake, in size for 4-5 people. Delicious in its being half pastry and half chocolate, and nomad, because it can be shipped (it is offered in a tin box), shared, stored for three weeks and enjoyed at room temperature.
The dessert is delicious in its textures’ architecture and references to the Maison’s classics. It consists of 64% Manjari Madagascar dark biscuit with organic eggs and rice flour, caramelized praline as a tribute to the Maison’s Figaro with almonds and hazelnuts, and with toasted Piedmontese hazelnuts, 66% Grand Cru ganache, and crunchy icing with cocoa beans.
“I have always had a form of affection for La Maison du Chocolat, I grew up there, I know all the codes, all the recipes. It is like an old friend, I like his institutional side, his comfort – comments Michalak.