The S.Pellegrino Cooking Cup is a special regatta that awards a prize for the best combination of navigation and cookery in a competition fought at the rudder and at the hob at the same time: whilst skippers are trying to get the best of the winds, a chef cooks below deck. Organised in the beautiful Venice lagoon, in collaboration with the historic Venetian Yacht Club Compagnia della Vela, the S.Pellegrino Cooking Cup, after 13 years, continues to fascinate food and sailing enthusiasts, as the international media coverage demonstrates. The regatta takes place between the Lido di Venezia and San Giorgio Island and the competition is open to both professional and amateur cooks.
The S.Pellegrino Cooking Cup represents Italian culinary excellence and joy of life by playing on two of Italy’s main passions: the love for food and the love for the sea. This year the Cup will be held on the 14th and 15th of June. As in the past editions, 10 chefs from all over the world will participate, cooking their special dishes on board of different sailing boats.